How to open a trade every 20 points

Hallo, I’m new in mql4 and I need help in programming (ea) that can open a trade every 20 points which have the same type of the order that make profit , I mean if it goes down 20 points it will open a sell trade and if it goes up 20 points it will open a buy trade and thanks for any body read this post :blush::rose:

Not sure if people will code the entire thing for you here. You can give it a go yourself and ask code review maybe :+1:

   input     string      GridVariables              = "------------Grid Variables in Points";
// 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
input     bool         G1BSENABLE                  = true;
input     double       G1BSLots                    = 1.0;
input     int          G1BSWinUp                   = 200;  // Points
input     int          G1BSStayback                = 100;  // Points
input     int          G1BSSpace                   = 80;
input     int          G1BSTP                      = 110;
input     int          G1BSSL                      = 1500;  // Set at 1500 as in far away
input     int          G1BSMagic                   = 1001;
input     int          G1BSOffset                  = Offset;
input     int          G1BSEngine                  = ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP;

input     bool         G1SSENABLE                  = true;
input     double       G1SSLots                    = 2.0;
input     int          G1SSWinDn                   = 360;
input     int          G1SSStayback                = 300;
input     int          G1SSSpace                   = 30;
input     int          G1SSTP                      = 0;
input     int          G1SSSL                      = 0;
input     int          G1SSMagic                   = 1002;
input     int          G1SSOffset                  = Offset;
input     int          G1SSEngine                  = ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP;

input     bool         G1BLENABLE                  = true;
input     double       G1BLLots                    = 2.0;
input     int          G1BLWinDn                   = 70;
input     int          G1BLStayback                = 30;
input     int          G1BLSpace                   = 30;
input     int          G1BLTP                      = 100;
input     int          G1BLSL                      = 0;
input     int          G1BLMagic                   = 1003;
input     int          G1BLOffset                  = Offset;
input     int          G1BLEngine                  = ORDER_TYPE_BUY_LIMIT;

input     bool         G1SLENABLE                  = true;
input     double       G1SLLots                    = 2.0;
input     int          G1SLWinUp                   = 70;
input     int          G1SLStayback                = 30;
input     int          G1SLSpace                   = 30;
input     int          G1SLTP                      = 100;
input     int          G1SLSL                      = 0;
input     int          G1SLMagic                   = 1004;
input     int          G1SLOffset                  = Offset;
input     int          G1SLEngine                  = ORDER_TYPE_SELL_LIMIT;
void PlaceGridTrade()  // I think we only need current level, we get the other data from the input  s

   dBid                                               = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_BID);        //   Get BidPrice   =  CurrentPrice
   dAsk                                               = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);        //   Get AskPrice

   int      iMagic;
   double   dLots, dTP = 0, dSL = 0;
   string   sText;
   double   currentLevel =  NormalizeDouble((dBid - (2 * G1BSSpace * Point)), Digits);  // back down price to below price to find a valid currentLevel 80 90 100 for example
   double   upLimit = dBid + (G1BSWinUp * Point);
   double   loLimit = dBid + (G1BSStayback * Point);
   iMagic   = G1BSMagic;
   dLots    = G1BSLots * AccountEquity() / 100000;  // adjust to $100k account

//Print("Currentlevel = " , currentLevel);
   while(currentLevel < upLimit)    // look for trades up to the upLimit...we will
      //Print("in while ......  Currentlevel = " , currentLevel);
      if(fmod((currentLevel * MathPow(10, Digits)), (G1BSSpace * Point * MathPow(10, Digits))) < 0.5)
         //if(fmod(((currentLevel) * 100000), (((G1BSSpace)* Point) * 100000))  < 1.0)        // Incremnt through the prices to find one that is
         // "in the gear notch" so that all the grids fall correctly
         // We needed the "100000" to get the fmod to work at the point level
         //Print("i am in MathMod BUYSTOP- in while ", currentLevel);
      currentLevel = NormalizeDouble((currentLevel + Point), Digits); // increment currentLevel point by point until we get a MathMod = 0
   currentLevel += G1BSOffset * Point;    // This is to allow for the shift due to the Offset Value
//Print("after 1st while..... Currentlevel = " , currentLevel);

   while(currentLevel  < upLimit)      // place trades up to the upper limit
      if(G1BSEngine == ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP  &&  G1BSENABLE == true
         &&  !TradeInBook(Symbol(), G1BSEngine, G1BSMagic, currentLevel)
         &&  !TradeInBook(Symbol(), POSITION_TYPE_BUY, G1BSMagic, currentLevel)
         &&  currentLevel > dBid + gStopLevel   * Point              //  Broker value for distance from price we can put OrderEntryPrice or OrderTakeProfit / SL
         &&  currentLevel > dBid + G1BSStayback * Point)          //    are we above the Stayback price
         if(G1BSTP > 0)
            dTP = currentLevel + G1BSTP * Point;
         if(G1BSSL > 0)
            dSL = currentLevel - G1BSSL * Point;

         sText = StringConcatenate(G1BSMagic, DoubleToStr(currentLevel, Digits), sBlank);

         if(SendOrder(G1BSEngine, dLots, currentLevel, dSL, dTP, sText, G1BSMagic))
            Print("Order placed with G1 BuyStops with lot = ", dLots);
            Print("Order not placed with G1 BuyStops with lot = ", dLots);
      currentLevel = currentLevel + (G1BSSpace * Point);

// ============================================== End of G1BS - grid one BuyStops

// ============================================== start of G1SS - grid one SellStops

   dTP = 0;
   dSL = 0;
   currentLevel = NormalizeDouble((dBid + (2 * G1SSSpace * Point)), Digits);   // back down price to below price to find a valid currentLevel 80 90 100 for example
   double DnLimit = dAsk - (G1SSWinDn * Point);
   loLimit = dBid - (G1SSStayback * Point) ;
   iMagic = G1SSMagic;

   dLots = G1SSLots * AccountEquity() / 100000;  // adjust to $100k account

   while(currentLevel > DnLimit)    // look for trades Dn to the DnLimit...we will
      // currentLevel = 90, 100, 120 or some valid currentLevel
      if(fmod(currentLevel * MathPow(10, Digits), G1SSSpace * Point * MathPow(10, Digits)) < 0.5)
         // if(fmod((currentLevel * 100000), ((G1SSSpace * Point) * 100000)) < 1.0)
         //Print("i am in MathMod SELLSTOP- in while ", currentLevel);
      currentLevel = NormalizeDouble((currentLevel - Point), Digits); // increment currentLevel point by point until we get a MathMod = 0
   currentLevel -= G1SSOffset * Point;    // This is to allow for the shift due to the Offset Value

   while(currentLevel > DnLimit)    // place trades Dn to the Dnper limit
      if(G1SSEngine == ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP  &&  G1SSENABLE == true
         &&  !TradeInBook(Symbol(), G1SSEngine, G1SSMagic, currentLevel)
         &&  !TradeInBook(Symbol(), POSITION_TYPE_SELL, G1SSMagic, currentLevel)
         &&  currentLevel < dBid - gStopLevel   * Point     // The distance from price we can put OrderEntryPrice or OrderTakeProfit / SL
         &&  currentLevel < dBid - G1SSStayback * Point)    // are we above the Stayback price
         if(G1SSTP > 0)
            dTP = currentLevel - G1SSTP * Point;
         if(G1SSSL > 0)
            dSL = currentLevel + G1SSSL * Point;

         sText = StringConcatenate(G1SSMagic, DoubleToStr(currentLevel, Digits), sBlank);

         if(SendOrder(G1SSEngine, dLots, currentLevel, dSL, dTP, sText, iMagic))
            Print("Order placed with G1 SELLSTOP with lot = ", dLots);
            Print("Order not placed with G1 SELLSTOP with lot = ", dLots);
      currentLevel = currentLevel - (G1SSSpace * Point);

// ============================================== End of G1SS - grid one SellStops

// ============================================== start of G1BL - grid one BuyLimits

   dTP = 0;
   dSL = 0;
   currentLevel   = NormalizeDouble((dBid + (2 * G1BLSpace * Point)), Digits); // back down price to below price to find a valid currentLevel 80 90 100 for example
   DnLimit     = dBid - (G1BLWinDn * Point);
   loLimit     = dBid - (G1BLStayback * Point);
   iMagic         = G1BLMagic;
   dLots          = G1BLLots * AccountEquity() / 100000;  // adjust to $100k account

   while(currentLevel > DnLimit)    // look for trades Dn to the DnLimit...we will
      // currentLevel = 90, 100, 120 or some valid currentLevel
      // if(fmod((currentLevel * 100000), ((G1BLSpace * Point) * 100000)) < 1.0)
      if(fmod((currentLevel * MathPow(10, Digits)), (G1BLSpace * Point * MathPow(10, Digits))) < 0.5)
         //Print("i am in MathMod BUYLIMIT- in while ", currentLevel);
      currentLevel = NormalizeDouble((currentLevel - Point), Digits); // increment currentLevel point by point until we get a MathMod = 0
   currentLevel -= G1BLOffset * Point;    // This is to allow for the shift due to the Offset Value
   while(currentLevel > DnLimit)          // place trades Dn to the Dnper limit
      if(G1BLEngine == ORDER_TYPE_BUY_LIMIT  &&  G1BLENABLE == true
         &&  !TradeInBook(Symbol(), G1BLEngine, G1BLMagic, currentLevel)
         &&  !TradeInBook(Symbol(), POSITION_TYPE_BUY, G1BLMagic, currentLevel)
         &&  currentLevel < dBid + gStopLevel   * Point     // The distance from price we can put OrderEntryPrice or OrderTakeProfit / SL
         &&  currentLevel < dBid + G1BLStayback * Point)    // are we above the Stayback price
         if(G1BLTP > 0)
            dTP = currentLevel + G1BLTP * Point;
         if(G1BLSL > 0)
            dSL = currentLevel - G1BLSL * Point;

         sText = StringConcatenate(G1BLMagic, DoubleToStr(currentLevel, Digits), sBlank);

         SendOrder(G1BLEngine, dLots, currentLevel, dSL, dTP, sText, iMagic);
      currentLevel = currentLevel - (G1BLSpace * Point);

// ============================================== End of G1BL - grid one BuyLimits

// ============================================== start of G1SL - grid one SellLimits

//UpdateBidAsk(); // 15Jul20 - Derk: Removed until proven needed
   dTP = 0;
   dSL = 0;
   currentLevel = NormalizeDouble((dBid - (2 * G1SLSpace * Point)), Digits);   // back down price to below price to find a valid currentLevel 80 90 100 for example
   upLimit = dBid + (G1SLWinUp * Point);
   loLimit = dBid + (G1SLStayback * Point);
   iMagic   = G1SLMagic;
   dLots    = G1SLLots * AccountEquity() / 100000; // adjust to $100k account

   while(currentLevel < upLimit)    // look for trades up to the upLimit...we will
      // currentLevel = 90, 100, 120 or some valid currentLevel
      //if(fmod((currentLevel * 100000), ((G1SLSpace * Point) * 100000)) < 1.0)
      if(fmod((currentLevel * MathPow(10, Digits)), (G1SLSpace * Point * MathPow(10, Digits))) < 0.5)
         //Print("i am in MathMod SELLLIMIT- in while ", currentLevel);
      currentLevel = NormalizeDouble((currentLevel + Point), Digits); // increment currentLevel point by point until we get a MathMod = 0
   currentLevel += G1SLOffset * Point; // This is to allow for the shift due to the Offset Value
   while(currentLevel < upLimit)       // place trades up to the upper limit
      if(G1SLEngine == ORDER_TYPE_SELL_LIMIT  &&  G1SLENABLE == true
         &&  !TradeInBook(Symbol(), G1SLEngine, G1SLMagic, currentLevel)
         &&  !TradeInBook(Symbol(), POSITION_TYPE_SELL, G1SLMagic, currentLevel)
         &&  currentLevel > dBid + gStopLevel   * Point     //  The distance from price we can put OrderEntryPrice or OrderTakeProfit / SL
         &&  currentLevel > dBid + G1SLStayback * Point)    //    are we above the Stayback price
         if(G1SLTP > 0)
            dTP = currentLevel - G1SLTP * Point;
         if(G1SLSL > 0)
            dSL = currentLevel + G1SLSL * Point;

         sText = StringConcatenate(G1SLMagic, DoubleToStr(currentLevel, Digits), sBlank);

         if(SendOrder(G1SLEngine, dLots, currentLevel, dSL, dTP, sText, iMagic))
            Print("Order placed with G1 SELLLIMIT with lot = ", dLots);
            Print("Order not placed with G1 SELLLIMIT with lot = ", dLots);

      currentLevel = currentLevel + (G1SLSpace * Point);

// ============================================== End of G1SL - grid one SellLimits

There will be a few errors to clear up but the most of the code should work. It was taken from MT4 to be used in MT5 which is partially in process.
Best wishes.